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Agostinho Filié Jr
Antworten auf Fragebogen (Kurz-Version, englisch), 25. Mai 1999

In which situation did you use maths online? (School, home,... as pupil, teacher,...)

Can - according to your opinion - maths online contribute to a better understanding of mathematics?

What did you like very much?
The way one can move around the graphs, analyze the answer and check for the mistakes.

What did you like less?

Do you have suggestions for modification or completion?
Yes, I'll describe below.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
I am a person that for almost 20 yrs have not dealt with math, and is quite difficult for me to understand some points due to the fact that when I am in the applets they have options and explanations that go beyond the boundaries of my screen. I tried to reduce the font size but it didn't work in the applets. Is there any way of going around that? Your answer would be appreciated since I found it a truly rewarding way of learning...
Maybe your screen resolution is not fine enough. You should use at least 600 x 800 pixels, otherwise you get just the effect you describe.
Try to change the resolution at your computer. We would be interested whether it works.

E-mail message, June 2, 1999

Many thanks for your help. Your instruction was just about perfect! Now I can have it all within my screen...

As I told you I'm coming back to study math after 20 yrs away and have to start scratching from the beginning for a Univerity vacancy. It's really supporting when having a simple guidance as you gave me!
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