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Dr. MatrixDr. Matrix' Web World of Science
E-mail-Message, 22. Juni 1998

Hello and congratulations!

Your Web site, "maths online", is being recognized with the Dr. Matrix Award for Science Excellence from "Dr. Matrix' Web World of Science." "maths online" is also being honored with prominent display as a select site at (mittlerweile ist die Site nach übersiedelt) with the categories: Mathematics, Student Resource.

Sites receiving this award are distinguished by the quality of their content Alone. A flashy Web site will not receive this award if its content lacks interest and integrity. A simple Web site will receive this award if it serves the interests of discovery, mental enrichment and thoughtful enjoyment. This award doesn't go to "cool" sites. It goes to the great sites. It's not a daily or weekly award, Dr. Matrix Award for Science Excellence but an award based on presence, here and now. It is given in gratitude, with no other request but that you keep doing what you're doing.

A heart-felt thank you for enriching the time we spend on the World-Wide Web.

- Dr. Matrix -

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