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Nächste Nachricht Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis des Forums 1998 - 1999 Vorige Nachricht
Lajean Keller
E-mail-Message, 3. Jänner 1999

Great site. Not sure many will be able to find it. I happen to be searching for buttons (the sewing type) and stumbled onto this page. I also happen to have a couple of math degrees. Just wanted to know the purpose and where the funding came from for this marvelous endeavor.

The purpose of the maths online project is to support maths education in school, adults education and some university courses. "maths online" is actually the English version of "mathe online", a slightly larger project in German language. It is funded by the Austrian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, the Austrian National Bank and the Association for People's Education Vienna.
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